Monday, October 12, 2015

Learning Goals

Most students, when faced with short semester classes can start to feel overwhelmed very easily. Hi, I am Michelle Colquitt and I am one of these easily overwhelmed students. As a distance education student in Georgia Southern University's School Library Media M.Ed. program I have spent the past year enhancing my educational knowledge all in hopes of one day attaining my ultimate goal of becoming a librarian, particularly a Media Specialist.

For this class, FRIT 7234--Information Fluency and Inquiry Learning--I have several learning goals.

Some of these important goals being:

1. As someone who has not worked in a school setting before, I want to learn the ins and outs of Inquiry Learning. That is, I want to have a good grasp on a working definition of Inquiry Learning and specifically how that I can employ this strategy as a Media Specialist. 

2. I want to have a good working grasp of the governing ALA/AASL Standards for the Initial Preparation of School Librarians (2010) by understanding these standards and how effective Media Specialist practice relates back to these standards. 

3. I want to be prepared to provide high-quality customer service experiences through my knowledge of information technology. I want to impart knowledge into both my student population and also be able to collaborate with my colleagues (district wide Media Specialists and staff within my building), wherever this may be. I know that this is a lofty goal, but it is one that I will be mindful of as I begin my Practicum, which should occur this time next year. 

I look forward to learning more about the exciting topics of information fluency and inquiry learning. I welcome all comments and suggestions to become a better student and potential Media Specialist.

Thank you for joining me on this educational journey! 


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